Monday, October 20, 2008

Oscar the Yarn

Hello, all!

More spinning up in this piece! Seriously, I'm addicted to novelty yarn. I didn't think I would love knitting with it, but it was a lot of fun! I took the Peas and Carrots and made a GIANT cowl for myself (pictures to follow). It's neat, even if it is the color of dinner's vegetables.

Here's the latest installment of Molly's Wild and Crazy Adventure with novelty yarn:

It's about 37 yards of beehive and coiled goodness! I have another skein of this too, which is very similar (I added some natural romney rolags to the mix). I really don't know what do with it, now that I have made myself the cowl to end all cowls. So, I've taken Rachel (aka Porpoise) and I'm throwing it up (metaphorically, not vomiting) on my new Etsy shop to see what will happen! Go and have a look!


smelk-o-matic said...

This one is really beautiful!! I love all the colors. It looks soft, too.


SweetPea Fibers said...

You're an awesome beehiver! Say hello to Chewpacca for me =)


porpoise said...

Wait, what? Me? Confused porpoise is confused. Oscar the yarn, however, rocks.

porpoise said...

I must clarify: I saw a link to this post on a post I was writing that hasn't even been published yet. How on the ball am I, commenting on a post that's 2 years old?

slinks off in embarassment

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